Directed By Ahmed Ayed / Cast: Jawhar Basti - Emilie Maréchal / 1st Assistant director: Karim Tebache / Director of photography: Alex Cabanne / Make up artist: Pauline Lescure / Editor: Dragan Googlaerts / Color Grading: Alex Cabanne / Constructor: Sebastien Boucherit / Produced by 62 TV Records & JAWHAR / Executive production Collectif Illicium
Directed by Simon Vanrie / DOP : Romain Ferrand / Executive producer : Greta Vecchio and Margaux Yerna / Cam assistant : Victor Ibarrondo / Edited by Simon Vanrie / Graded by Xavier Dockx / Produced by 62 TV Records
directed shot and edited by Gil Mortio / based on an idea by Alex Davidson / additional forest footages by Jawhar Basti
Directed by Ahmed Ayed / Cast Jawhar Basti / 1st Assistant Director: Saoussen Babba / Director of Photography: Hazem Berrebah / Produced By: 62tv Records, Jawhar, Naff & Propaganda Productions / Executive production: Propaganda Productions
Directed by Elise Boennec & Jawhar Basti / Cinematography: Mihnea Popsecu / The girl: Marion Blondeau / The guy: Renaud Cagna / Color-grading: Mihnea Popsecu & Elise Boennec / Produced by 62tv Records
Conceived, shot, edited & directed by ISMAËL Additional shots JAWHAR BASTI & SYNDA JEBALI Color-grading FAKHREDINE AMRI Color-grading was carried out at INSIDE PRODUCTIONS Thanks AMINE MESSADI & ALL THE PEOPLE WHO HAVE ACCEPTED TO APPEAR IN THE VIDEO
Winrah Marah (Where is Marah) Starring Fatma Ben Saïdane Directed by Jawhar Basti DOP & camera: Samy Snoussi Steadycam by Mouheb Bouden Edited by Elise Boennec Color grading by Pierre-Louis Cassou Produced by Jawhar Basti and Final Frame.
Winter night images shot and edited by Alex Davidson / Summer day images shot and edited by Jawhar Basti / General edit by Alex Davidson
SGHAR (LITTLE ONES) Video animation by YOKO YUKI / Additional edit by Jawhar Basti